News & Media
Print News | Interviews
Ryan regularly interacts with journalists to share research findings and discuss broader societal implications. Browse an archive of selected print news, interviews, and quotes - or search below by title, keyword, outlet, or journalist.
🏆 denotes an award-winning or featured piece.
Border Belt Independent (2022)
Poultry waste plant that has polluted in the past gets new approval in Robeson County
Yale Environment 360 (2022)
Chicken Frenzy: A State Awash in Hog Farms Faces a Poultry Boom
National Geographic (2021)
Where are the U.S.’s natural gas pipelines? Often in vulnerable communities.
NBC News (2020)
Atlantic Coast Pipeline canceled after years of delays, accusations of environmental injustice
Energy News Network (2019)
In North Carolina, novel legal maneuver deployed against Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Washington Post (2018)
‘We need help’: N.C. towns plead for dam, levee upgrades after second major flood in two years
Pacific Standard (2018)
Are the Feds cherry-picking data to force pipelines through vulnerable communities?
McClatchy DC (2018)
Atlantic coast pipeline stirs mix of hope for jobs, leeriness by Native Americans
ThinkProgress (2017)
This massive natural gas pipeline will run right through Native American communities