News & Media
Radio | Podcasts
Ryan has appeared on several radio broadcasts and podcast to share research findings and discuss broader societal implications. Browse an archive of selected radio and podcast appearances - or search the archive by title, keyword, outlet, or host (2017 - Present).
🏆 denotes an award-winning or featured piece.
The State of Things, WUNC (2020)
Barriers To Tribal Nations’ Involvement In Water Governance Is High
The State of Things, WUNC (2018)
North Carolina Grants Key Permit For Atlantic Coast Pipeline
American Indian Airwaves, KPFK (2018)
Federal Government Continues to Ignore Tribal Nations in Atlantic Coast Pipeline Permitting
The State of Things, WUNC (2017)
Contrary To Original Plan, Atlantic Coast Pipeline May Extend Beyond North Carolina 🏆
The State of Things, WUNC (2017)
Are Native Communities Being Overlooked In Atlantic Coast Pipeline Process?